Talk with Chris Farley

Chris Farley was an iconic American comedian and actor, best known for his energetic and physical comedy on Saturday Night Live and in films like Tommy Boy and Black Sheep.


Who is Chris Farley?

Chris Farley was an American comedian and actor known for his larger-than-life energy, boisterous laughter, and physical comedy. Born on February 15, 1964, in Madison, Wisconsin, Farley was one of the most popular cast members on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" (SNL) during the early 1990s. His sketch performances, which often featured his ability to use his body comically and willingness to push boundaries, became legendary.

Farley's most famous SNL characters included motivational speaker Matt Foley, who hilariously warned kids they would end up "living in a van down by the river" if they didn't change their ways. His comedic style was heavily influenced by his idols, such as John Belushi, whom Farley admired for his explosive energy and dramatic physical comedy.

After his success on SNL, Chris Farley transitioned to films, starring in hits like "Tommy Boy" (1995) and "Black Sheep" (1996), both of which also starred his close friend and fellow SNL cast member David Spade. In these movies, Farley's charm and physical humor were central to his appeal.

Tragically, Chris Farley's life and career were cut short when he died of a drug overdose on December 18, 1997, at the age of 33. Despite his brief career, Farley's impact on comedy remains significant; he is remembered for his impassioned comedic style and his ability to connect with audiences with his vulnerability and warmth. His work has influenced many comedians and actors who have followed in his footsteps.

Can you name some of Chris Farley's most famous SNL characters?

Chris Farley created a number of memorable characters during his time on "Saturday Night Live" (SNL). Some of his most famous characters include:

  1. Matt Foley - Perhaps Farley's most iconic character, Matt Foley is an overly enthusiastic and disastrously inept motivational speaker who famously lives "in a van down by the river." The character's intense and physical comedic style showcased Farley's ability to use his body for comedic effect.

  2. Todd O'Connor - As one of the Chicago superfans, Todd O'Connor is a stereotypical Chicagoan who loves the Chicago Bears, Cubs, Bulls, and Blackhawks. The skits often feature the group discussing sports while consuming large quantities of food and having heart attacks.

  3. Bennett Brauer - A character who often used air quotes and made self-deprecating comments during "Weekend Update" appearances. This character was known for his rants about how he didn't fit the typical expectations of society.

  4. Cindy - In a recurring sketch called "The Chris Farley Show," Farley played a show host named Cindy who was nervous and awkward, often fumbling through interviews with famous guests by asking inane questions and acting star-struck.

These characters, along with his exuberant physical comedy, left a lasting impact on SNL and continue to be celebrated for their humor and originality.

What are critical reviews of Chris Farley’s film performances?

Chris Farley's film performances were often met with mixed critical reviews, though they garnered a lot of love from audiences for his energetic and physical comedy style.

  1. "Tommy Boy" (1995) - This film is perhaps Farley's most iconic role and it showcases his chemistry with David Spade. Critics were divided; some saw it as lowbrow and silly, while others appreciated its heart and Farley's exuberant comedic performance. Roger Ebert gave the film a favorable review, noting Farley’s ability to be both funny and touching.

  2. "Black Sheep" (1996) - This film, another collaboration with David Spade, received mostly negative reviews from critics who felt it was a less successful attempt to capture the magic of "Tommy Boy". However, fans of Farley still enjoyed his slapstick humor and the dynamic between him and Spade.

  3. "Beverly Hills Ninja" (1997) - In this film, Farley plays an inept ninja, which was a perfect setup for his style of physical comedy. Critics largely panned the film for its predictable plot and reliance on slapstick, but acknowledged Farley's commitment to his character and his ability to invoke laughter through his physicality.

  4. "Almost Heroes" (1998) - Released posthumously, this film features Farley and Matthew Perry as mismatched explorers. It was critically panned for its lowbrow humor and lack of coherent plot, though some found Farley's usual energetic antics to be the saving grace.

Overall, while Farley’s films did not always fare well with critics, his performances remained beloved for their heart and humor, particularly among his fans. His legacy in comedy is marked by his unique ability to combine intense physical comedy with a genuine vulnerability.

How did Chris Farley develop his comedic style?

Chris Farley developed his comedic style through a combination of innate talent, his upbringing, and his professional training and experiences. He grew up in Madison, Wisconsin, in a family known for its lively and humorous character, which naturally nurtured his comedic sensibilities.

Farley was heavily influenced by the physical comedy of John Belushi, who was also a 'Saturday Night Live' (SNL) alum. Like Belushi, Farley's comedy was characterized by its high energy and physicality, often using his own body as a tool for humor. Farley attended Marquette University, where he studied theatre and communications, further honing his skills in performing arts.

His professional training at the famous Second City Theatre in Chicago played a crucial role in shaping his comedic style. Second City is known for its improvisational theatre, which helped Farley develop his ability to think quickly on his feet and adapt to the comedic flow of a scene. This training also exposed him to a community of like-minded comedians, which was instrumental in his growth.

Once on SNL, Farley was able to refine his style even more, creating memorable characters that utilized his physicality, timing, and ability to connect with audiences. His performances on SNL showcased his talent for slapstick and broad comedy, yet he was also capable of more nuanced portrayals, often bringing a touch of vulnerability to his characters. This combination made his comedy both impactful and endearing.

What movies did Chris Farley star in?

Chris Farley, known for his vibrant energy and physical comedy, starred in several popular films during the 1990s. Some of his most notable movies include:

  1. "Tommy Boy" (1995) - Perhaps one of his most iconic roles, Farley stars as the lovable and bumbling Tommy Callahan who tries to save his family's auto parts business after his father's sudden death. David Spade plays his sarcastic and reluctant assistant, Richard.

  2. "Black Sheep" (1996) - In this comedy, Farley reunites with David Spade. Farley plays Mike Donnelly, a well-meaning but clumsy guy who manages to repeatedly disrupt his brother's political campaign.

  3. "Beverly Hills Ninja" (1997) - Farley stars as Haru, an inept ninja who was raised by a clan of martial artists in Japan. The film follows his misadventures as he tries to prove himself as a true ninja.

  4. "Almost Heroes" (1998) - Co-starring with Matthew Perry, Farley plays Bartholomew Hunt, a scruffy and inept tracker leading a doomed expedition across America during the early frontier days.

  5. "Wayne's World" (1992) - Although not a starring role, Farley appeared in a memorable cameo in this popular comedy starring Mike Myers and Dana Carvey.

  6. "Coneheads" (1993) - Another supporting role, Farley appeared in this film based on a "Saturday Night Live" sketch, featuring Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtin as alien visitors.

These films showcase Farley's comedic talent and his ability to evoke laughter through his physical humor and expressive personality.

When did Chris Farley start his career on Saturday Night Live?

Chris Farley started his career on "Saturday Night Live" (SNL) in 1990. He quickly became known for his energetic comedic style, physical humor, and memorable characters.

Did Adam Sandler Remember Chris Farley?

Yes, Adam Sandler has publicly remembered Chris Farley on several occasions. Most notably, Sandler performed a tribute song titled "The Chris Farley Song" during one of his "Saturday Night Live" appearances as host. The song reflects on their friendship, memorable moments from SNL, and Farley’s vibrant personality and heartbreaking passing. The tribute is both humorous and touching, encapsulating the affection Sandler had for Farley and the impact Farley had on those who knew him and enjoyed his work. Sandler has often spoken about Farley with great fondness and reverence in interviews, recalling their times together and the influence Farley had on comedy.

How did Chris Farley die?

Chris Farley died on December 18, 1997, from an accidental drug overdose. His tragic death was attributed to a combination of cocaine and morphine, a condition known as a "speedball." An autopsy later also revealed significant contributions from an advanced state of coronary arteriosclerosis. He was discovered in his apartment in the John Hancock Center in Chicago. Farley's death was widely mourned, as he was a beloved comedian known for his vibrant energy and memorable characters on "Saturday Night Live" and in films.

How old is Chris Farley?

Chris Farley was born on February 15, 1964, and he passed away on December 18, 1997, at the age of 33.

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